Calm Fear. Reduce Anxiety. Gain Confidence.
Filling My Cup.
I have had several revelatory breakthroughs that have given me the clarity to challenge my fear-based thinking, the confidence to consider my value, and the strength to put in the work necessary to live a more fulfilling life. I can now prioritize myself so I am stronger and can better manage my family relationships and be more of the person I want to be.
Male in his 40s
Overcoming Fear of Public Speaking.
I was assigned to do a presentation in front of over 200 people at a technology conference. Public speaking is a major fear of mine and I had worked myself into a complete panic. Through tapping, Kelly helped me turn my anxiety into excitement. Leading up to the event, if I felt the stress start to come back, I used the techniques she taught me to get back to a better place. I’m happy to report my presentation was a success! I know I couldn’t have done it without Kelly helping me to get in the right headspace beforehand.
Female in her late 20s
Calming Social Anxiety.
I am an introvert and in many ways I feel like it has held me back socially. When I went back to University to get my masters I could not function in class without fear of being called out and having it escalate to a panic attack. After several sessions I am in much more control of my thoughts and feel more confident and secure. My negative self talk is way down.
Female in her 50s
Create More of What You Want.
Developing Better Relationships.
I felt your support and calmness in helping me get to the root of my feelings about the state of my marriage. I feel more in touch with myself and more informed as to what my body is trying to tell me. My husband and I are communicating better and I can breathe and tap myself through my anxiety and fear.
Female in her 40s
Removing Blocks to Business Success.
As a small business owner I have many sources of stress, especially with staying afloat financially. After clearing some anxiety and fears I was able to think more clearly and identify what to do next. Kelly used EFT and Matrix Reimprinting with me and I have found them to be truly amazing tools.
Female in her 30s
Helping Teens and Young Adults.
My husband and I were going crazy because our daughter, who had a sports scholarship to a good college, was on the brink of not passing 3 classes. She has always had issues with procrastination and having senioritis only made the problem worse. With only 3 weeks left in the school year, Kelly was able to help her get focused and change her attitude. I’m happy to report that she did graduate and is now enjoying her freshman year at college.
Excited for the Future.
I have struggled with forms of anxiety since I was a teen.The anxiety presented as body dysmorphia, sleeping issues, racing thoughts, and a lot of fear. A few years ago my best friend was killed suddenly, and I was dealing with a lot of grief that I hadn’t processed. In addition, I was working through the fallout of an abusive relationship. I feared for my safety and that of my child. I have always been intuitive, but that also became a source of fear and I tried to block it. I worked with Kelly for 3 sessions on these issues. I didn’t realize until recently how much the sessions impacted me. It’s a year later and I feel much more hopeful and excited about my future. My intuition now feels like a gift, not something to be feared. I have more clarity and have returned to school to study psychology. EFT is so effective! I want to learn more and am hoping to have a career where I help others handle their grief, baggage and stressors.
Female in her 20s
Finally Publishing My Book!
I had a book written for many years. I wanted to have it published, yet something was keeping me stuck in my tracks. Part of it was a big fear of being seen. Kelly’s coaching helped me remove blocks to moving forward and gain clarity on next steps to take. In just over a year and a half I have published my book and won an indy award!
Female in her 60s
Get Rid of What You Don’t Want.
Releasing Anger and Fear.
I was devastated after a job loss and couldn’t shake my fear that at my age I would not be able to find another job to support myself or fund my retirement. Our sessions helped me reset my course to empowerment and positivity, which led to not only a new job, but a much better work environment. I have achieved my goal of becoming a manager and inspiring a team. You helped me overcome my anger, my crazy anxiety and were vital in giving me confidence to ace my interviews.
Female in her 50s
Releasing Self Judgement.
My stomach would tighten and I would feel so uneasy going to work or school. I always felt like I was saying the wrong thing and being judged. This all started in kindergarten but I don’t know why. My sessions with Kelly helped me to change thinking patterns and feel more confident at work and getting together with friends.
Female in her early 20s
Making Better Decisions.
I have worked with Kelly on both business and personal issues. I have found Kelly to be very intuitive and empathetic, helping me thorough my anxieties and fears, working with me to feel more in control and able to identify what I need to do next. Making decisions was so much easier once I became calm and clear. Kelly is very professional and puts you at easy instantly.
Female in her 50s
Help for Physical Issues.
Chronic Pain.
For most of my life I have suffered with undiagnosed chronic pain, which truly impacted the quality of my life. During our sessions I felt safe to dig into emotions and patterns that were contributing to my pain. Kelly’s positive, compassionate and intuitive guidance allowed me to go deep and heal myself.
Female in her 50s
Back Pain.
Kelly used a process that helped me make a major life decision on whether or not to have back surgery. Once I was clear on my decision much of my angst was gone. When I had complications and had to be re-hospitalized I used the techniques she taught me to manage my anxiety.
Male in his 40s
Weight Management.
When I think back to where I was mentally and physically when I started my sessions with Kelly, I am nothing short of amazed at how far I have been able to progress with her guidance. I will be forever grateful that our paths have intersected. I have developed healthier eating and exercising routines that resulted in losing 40 pounds. As an added benefit my blood pressure is down to a healthy range.
Male in his 40s
Cancer Diagnosis.
I had so much fear when I was diagnosed with colon cancer. EFT seemed silly at first but I could feel changes in my body and thinking right away. I had several life situations which were causing me stress outside of the cancer and after working on those things I felt much more peace and strength to deal with my treatments.
Male in his 30s
I attended Kelly’s EFT for Cravings workshop where I worked on my cravings for chocolate. By the end of the workshop I put my chocolate in the garbage! Overall, I am thinking differently, making better food choices and feel like I’m on a better path.
Female in her 50s
The Coaching Process.
Peeling Back the Layers.
I have been so honored to work with Kelly. She is a magnificent coach and a gifted healer. It’s funny, the reason I initially went to her was not actually the real issue after all. Surprising what you find when you peel back all the layers of an onion. What a pleasurable journey of discovery. Kelly's the real thing.
Female in her 30s
Finding the Root of a Problem.
I am amazed at how this process works to go deep and bring to surface issues that I was not aware were the “root” of my inability to move forward in a confident and mindful way. I have been thrown a few “curve balls” and this is a phenomenal tool to assist me in catching them, learn, grow and throw them back, with gratitude!!! You have a soothing, calming and reassuring demeanor in how you work.
Female in her 40s
Intuition Guides the Session.
I appreciated Kelly's kind heart, compassionate soul and keen sense of listening. Kelly is quite intuitive and she offers a safe space to go deep into healing. She genuinely cares for your success. If you are wanting to move forward, I would recommend you set up a session with Kelly.
Female in her 40s
Feeling Safe
Kelly has a strong and gentle presence. I immediately trust her because her training and professional attitude makes me feel like I am safe. When I need grounding, she helps me to relax and get settled. Then she begins her magic. Last time I felt I was going in for one problem and found that problem was deeper than I had imagined. She went deeper into my psyche unearthing feelings I have long held inside. She helped me to clear things and understand more of myself. Both times I have seen her I felt so much better and would go to her again for any needs I may have. She is an excellent practitioner.
Female in her 60s

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