Become More of Who You Are!
How Can Personal Coaching Help?
Words used by my clients in regards to their results: breakthroughs, revelations about self, self discovery, more fulfilling life, more confident and secure, empowered, increased positivity, new job, promotion, surprise money, surprise opportunity . . .
I consider myself an instrument of possibility. There is more to you that you haven’t accessed yet and I can help you uncover untapped potential!
If you feel like you are struggling or stuck, a completely different life is available to you. If you feel like there has to be more to life or like you’ve lost your spark, there is passion to be found. If you feel uncomfortable in your own skin, know that self love and compassion are closer than you realize.
I can help you regain your mojo, feel more comfortable with who you are, get clear on decisions, feel empowered to move toward your goals, and feel more on purpose in this life.
Coaching packages start at $375
Words from my Clients . . .

To reconstruct, alter, remodel, revamp, renew. To change in form, appearance, nature, or character.
The Transformational Coaching Process
Stress and anxiety can negatively affect all parts of your life. If your nervous system is out of wack, this is where we start. Calming the body and mind opens energy channels and greatly expands your awareness. When you manage your energy you get more of what you want.
Everyone has subconscious programming that is outdated and unhelpful running in the background. Many of these patterns were installed as a child and cause reactionary behavior and triggers. They can be unlearned and upgraded programs installed. It’s like a software update! Clearing the outdated programming gives you a better sense of clarity and focus to manifest your desires quicker.
When you are in a state of calm and have begun the clearing process, new opportunities are available to you. You have more clarity. You become more conscious and operate at a higher frequency, drawing in different people and more options. You start to see more magic in everyday life.
“I did a quick emergency session with Kelly a few days before a large work event where I was scheduled to give a presentation in front of a large audience. Public speaking is a major fear of mine and I had worked myself into a complete panic. I had a migraine and I couldn’t think. Through tapping, Kelly helped me turn my anxiety into excitement. Leading up to the event, if I felt the anxiety start to come back, I used the techniques she taught me to get back to a better place. I’m happy to report my presentation was a success! I know I couldn’t have done it without getting into the right headspace beforehand.”
— Marketing Professional in the Tech Industry, California
More of You the Soul
When we reconnect and refocus on the soul self, that part of us that is pure love and has nothing heavy or false about it, more of You the soul merges with You the personality. It’s like a booster rocket is ignited, catapulting you to a broader, more expansive life experience.

How Many Sessions Do I Need?
For first time clients I recommend starting with at least 3-5 sessions. As energy patterns shift, you will begin to improve your thought patterns and responses to life situations. My energy techniques hack into subconscious programming and can often bring relief quite quickly. Some clients see me for a specific issue, like social anxiety or to help them make a major life decision, while others are looking for relief from a major stress or trauma. I have several clients that schedule sessions every couple of weeks or once a month to help stay on track. I really love my clients and enjoy helping them find their FLOW and optimize their natural strengths and talents.
Expand into the Bigger You.
Clearing dense energetic patterns from your field, creates expansion and opens up endless life potentials. You begin to see more opportunities, helpful people are drawn to you, and you can tap into your natural intuition for guidance and support. I can help you clear energetic patterns that are not serving you.
Align Your Soul With Your Personality
We all have vital life force energy streaming through us at all times. When that stream is smooth and clear, with limited interference, we can do what we love and feel like we are on purpose with our life.
I can teach you to:
Manage Your Energy. Thoughts become things, so choose the good ones! I learned that many years ago from Mike Dooley. And it is SO true. Thoughts are energy that you are putting out into the world. They feed your belief systems, which together form your reality. Are you successfully managing your energy to get what you want out of life?
Clear Blockages and Clutter. We can hold dense energy in our body from many different sources and for many reasons. I have techniques that explore areas where you may be holding on to junk that is not serving you. What happens when you release it? You feel lighter, calmer, and more confident.
Call in Scattered Energy and Use it to Empower Yourself. If you have unhealthy attachments to people or things outside yourself, or if your thoughts are buzzing around in your head a million miles an hour, it’s hard to feel stable and on track. I help you center and focus on the important stuff and let go of the rest.

Let’s Talk!
Find out if my coaching techniques are right for you.